Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Cult of Domesticity

In the middle of the 19th century, the movement known as the Cult of Domesticity, or True Womanhood, took hold in the United States and Britain. It was a philosophy in which womens value was based upon their ability to stay home and perform their duties as wives and mothers, and their willingness to abide by a series of very specific virtues. Did You Know? The cult of domesticity, or true womanhood, was an idealized set of societal standards that became popular with middle- and upper-class women in the late 19th century.Piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity were the mark of femininity during this period.The early cult of domesticity led to the development of the womens movement, in direct response to the standards set upon women by society. True Womanhood in the 19th Century Although there was not a formal movement that was actually entitled Cult of Domesticity, scholars have come to use this term to refer to the social environment in which many middle- and upper-class 19th century women lived. The term itself was coined in the 1960s by historian Barbara Welter, who also referred to it by its contemporary name, True Womanhood. Victorian family life revolved around domestic pursuits. ilbusca / Getty Images In this social system, gender ideologies of the time assigned women the role of the moral protector of home and family life; a womans value was intrinsically tied to her success in domestic pursuits such as keeping a clean house, raising pious children, and being submissive and obedient to her husband. The idea that this was part of womens natural place in the family dynamic was emphasized by womens magazines, religious literature, and gift books, all of which stressed that the way to true femininity was by adhering to a series of specific virtues as guidelines: piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity. The Virtues of Domestic Life Religion, or piety, was the foundation upon which a womans role in the cult of domesticity was built; women were seen as naturally more pious than men. It was believed that it was up to women to present the spiritual cornerstone of family life; she was to be strong in her faith, and raise her children with a strong Biblical education. She was to guide her husband and offspring in morality and virtue, and if they were to slip, the onus of responsibility fell to the wife or mother. More importantly, religion was a pursuit that could be followed from home, permitting women to stay out of the public sphere. Women were warned not to let intellectual pursuits, such as reading novels or newspapers, lead them astray from the word of God. Purity was a womans greatest virtue in the 19th century; the absence of it tarnished her as a fallen women, and marked her as unworthy of the comforts of good society. Virginity was to be protected at all costs, and death was considered preferable to the loss of virtue. The gift of a womans chastity to her husband was something to be treasured on their wedding night; sex was to be endured as part of the sacred bond of marriage. By contrast, if women were expected to be pure and modest, men were expected to try to challenge that virtue at every possible opportunity. It was up to women to keep amorous suitors at bay. A true woman was submissive to her husband, to whom she was completely dedicated. Because staying home with the family was an integral part of the cult of domesticity, women were wholly financially dependent upon their spouses. It was up to him to make the decisions for the entire household, while she remained passive and supportive. After all, God had made men superior, so it stood to reason that they were in charge. Young ladies were advised to respect their husbands wishes, even if they didnt agree with his opinions. Finally, domesticity was the end goal of the cult of true womanhood. A woman who considered working outside the home was seen as a unfeminine and unnatural. Ladylike activities such as needlework and cooking were acceptable forms of labor, as long as it was done in ones own home and not for employment. Reading was frowned upon, other than religious texts, because it distracted women from important things like caring for their children and spouse. They provided comfort and happiness, often at the expense of their own silent suffering, so that their menfolk would have a pleasant home to return to each day; if a man strayed and wanted to be elsewhere, it was the fault of his wife for not meeting his domestic needs. Although all women were expected to abide by the standards of true womanhood, in reality, it was predominantly white, Protestant, upper-class women who did so. Thanks to social prejudices of the period, women of color, working women, immigrants, and those who were lower on the socioeconomic ladder were excluded from the chance to ever be true paragons of domestic virtue. The Womens Movement in Response to Cult of Domesticity Victorian woman unpacking her basket in the kitchen.   Whitemay / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images Some historians have argued that working-class women who were employed as servants, thus taking them into the private, domestic sphere, did in fact contribute to the cult of domesticity, unlike their peers who worked in factories or other public places. Teresa Valdez says, [W]orking-class women were subsequently choosing to remain  in  the private realm. The same study shows that the majority of servants were young single women. This indicates that these women were preparing for their lives as wives and mothers by supporting their father’s household through work in a private home. Regardless, this social construct of true womanhood led directly to the development of feminism, as the womens movement formed in direct response to the strict standards set out by the cult of domesticity. White women who had to work found themselves excluded from the concept of true womanhood, and so consciously rejected its guidelines. Women of color, both enslaved and free, did not have the luxury of the protections afforded to true women, no matter how pious or pure they might have been. In 1848, the first womens movement convention was held in Seneca Falls, NY, and many women felt that it was time for them to begin fighting for equal rights. During the second half of the 19th century, when the right to vote was extended to all white men, women who advocated for suffrage were seen as unfeminine and unnatural. By the time the Progressive Era began, around 1890, women were vocally advocating for the right to pursue educational, professional, and intellectual pursuits of their own, outside of the sphere of home and family. This ideal that emerged of the New Woman was a direct contrast to the cult of domesticity, and women began taking on jobs in the public sector, smoking cigarettes, using birth control methods, and making their own financial decisions. In 1920, women finally gained the right to vote. In the years following World War II, there was a slight resurgence of the cult of domesticity, as Americans in particular sought a return to the idealized family life that theyd known before the war years. Popular films and television shows portrayed women as the foundation of the home, domestic life, and childrearing. However, because many women not only maintained their family life but also held down jobs, there was once again resistance. Soon, feminism reappeared, in what historians call the second wave, and women began fighting in earnest for equality once again, in direct response to the oppressive standards laid upon them by the cult of domesticity. Sources Lavender, Catherine. â€Å"Ê ºNotes on The Cult of Domesticity and True Womanhood.†Ã‚  The College of Staten Island/CUNY, 1998, csivc.csi.cuny.edu/history/files/lavender/386/truewoman.pdf. Prepared for Students in HST 386: Women in the City, Department of HistoryValdez, Teresa. â€Å"The British Working Class Participation In The Cult Of Domesticity.†Ã‚  StMU History Media - Featuring Historical Research, Writing, and Media at St. Marys University, 26 Mar. 2019, stmuhistorymedia.org/the-british-working-class-participation-in-the-cult-of-domesticity/.Welter, Barbara. â€Å"The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860.†Ã‚  American Quarterly, The Johns Hopkins University Press, www.csun.edu/~sa54649/355/Womanhood.pdf. Vol. 18, No. 2, Part 1 (Summer, 1966), pp. 151-174

Monday, December 23, 2019

Analysis of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 - 525 Words

Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel, â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† depicts a future in which all books are outlawed, and the main character, Guy Montag, is a â€Å"fireman†, someone hired to burn books. The novel has won multiple awards and is widely regarded as one of Bradbury’s best works. â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† is largely subjected to interpretation, surrounded by many theories as to why it was written. â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† is strongly themed and can lead the reader to produce a plethora of ideas for it’s meaning , and the fact of book burning not being a new idea sheds some light on what might have been going through the Writers head at the time of conception, but we werent given much of a solid answer by the writer himself until much later. In the novel a solid reason for the banning of books is not given, however the book puts possibilities in your head. One possibility that immediately popped in my head is that all people in general have los t interest in reading. I think that books represent intellectualism and the burning of said books represents the decline of intellectualism. Looking back on the book from where we are now as a nation, and how intellectualism seems to have seen a decline in much of the modern public eyes, this theory jumps at me especially. Another possible reason that sticks out to me is oppression. Books spread the concept of free thought, promote intelligence, and in several cases bring people together. A common trope of sorts in dystopian novels is the struggle ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511113 Words   |  5 Pagesand Dying, once imagined that, â€Å"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.† The text’s collection focus on Ray Bradbury’s science fiction, Fahrenheit 451 discusses about the growth and struggles of Guy Montagâ €™s beliefs against his society. Montag is a fireman and his job is to restrain people from learning by burning books. He meets special people and realizes the stimulation andRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451829 Words   |  4 Pagesschool you tripped in front of everyone and everybody laughed.Consequently You realized you shouldnt have let society control you.In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury thinking books were bad was just like the pair of shoes everyone thought that books were bad because they were illegal so nobody could read them and get knowledge from them. This story Fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury is about a firefighter who loves books but in the story books are illegal and firefighters burn down the house of anyone whoRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511038 Words   |  5 Pagesexpressionless faces connected to even more mindless robotic people. A world where one just breathes and eats, but never truly feels any emotion. Our world is on t he way to becoming this, but for Millie and Montag this was a sad, sad, reality in Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451. Everything grows with time as did our main character Montag throughout the book. Montag begins as a mindless follower and evolves into a fearless leader. As he grows into this leader his relationship with Mildred goes through multipleRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511088 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"I’m seventeen and crazy† (Bradbury 7). She realizes something that Montag doesn’t soon that crazy does not sound so crazy after all. She asked the questions that have never been asked before she has seen what no one has seen before. In Ray Bradbury story Fahrenheit 451 Clarisse McClellan changed the actions of Montag the theme and the main character, Montag. Clarisse changed the theme dramatically from simple and no emotion to as story that has emotions and has a happier feeling. As Clarisse startsRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511199 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"With rebellion, awareness is born,† quoted by Albert Camus. An act of rebellion can cause awareness and open peoples eyes to horrendous acts. In the book Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury, when Montag realizes that the government wasn’t being fair, he decided he needed to make the society aware. Montag knew a rebellion was the only way to show that the government was not treating citizens right. It is acceptable to rebel when it is believed that the government is being unfair to their citizensRead MoreRay Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 Character Analysis708 Words   |  3 Pagesworld is like for Guy Montag in Ray Bradburys novel Fahrenheit 451. In the beginning of the novel, Guy Montag is a fireman who believes that there has never been and will ne ver be a need for books and every book should burn. As the story progresses, he interacts with people and experiences events in his life that change his beliefs and views of the world. By the end of the novel, Guy Montag can recite parts of books off the top of his head. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag learns the truthRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511118 Words   |  5 PagesIn the book Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury explains how there is a war going on. That brings sadness because people are dying while they are doing nothing. There is also a sense of adventure, curiosity, and wonder going through the book. He explains that all of this story is taking place in a city in America. He also gives a hint that is placed in the year 2053. One of the characters that is in the book is Guy Montag. He is 30 year old fireman who burns books. Montag is a little laid back at the beginningRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 1396 Words   |  6 PagesAn Analysis of Freedom of Information in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury This study examines the issue of freedom of information in the story of literary oppression found in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Bradbury presents the oppression of an authoritarian state that does not allow its citizens to reads books. Guy Montag is initially a servant of the state that requires him to locate and persecute members of the community that still collect books. In various cases, Bradbury defines the rightsRead MoreRay Bradburys Fahrenheit 451: A World Without Books1095 Words   |  5 Pagesmatches† (Wikiquote, â€Å"Ray Bradbury†). Author Ray Bradbury made this observation in 1979 and his thought has only become more true as time has gone on. Bradbury warns of the possibility of this happening in his novel, Fahrenheit 451. The message of Fahrenheit 451 is more important than ever because today’s book editors, movie critics, and plays have intentionally and unintentionally removed Bradbury’s original intent of the novel. This hasnâ€℠¢t only happened to Fahrenheit 451, but many other booksRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography : Ray Bradbury1077 Words   |  5 PagesFahrenheit 451: Ray Bradbury An Annotated Bibliography Johnston, Amy E. Boyle. â€Å"Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 Misinterpreted.† L.A. Weekly, 4 Apr. 2016, Http://Www.laweekly.com/News/Ray-Bradbury-Fahrenheit-451-Misinterpreted-2149125. This article is about the author having an interview with Ray Bradbury about how people are mistreated because they was been kept uninformed and ignorant about censorship when its really about technology destroying the use of

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Don Quixote de La Mancha Free Essays

In Miguel de Cervantes’ classic novel Don Quixote de la Mancha, a necessary counterpart to Don Quixote’s character is found in Sancho Panza. Sancho is Don Quixote’s so-called squire and companion through his adventures. The vital contrast between these two characters contributes to the literary success of Cervantes’ novel. We will write a custom essay sample on Don Quixote de La Mancha or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is only through the eyes of Sancho that we witness Don Quixote’s madness and only through the latter’s madness that we evidence Sancho’s sanity. Without the presence of these complementary characters, the story of Don Quixote would not exist as it does. Cervantes’ masterpiece is known for the eccentric character of Don Quixote and his insane adventures and travels through Spain. The first part of the novel was published in 1605 and the second in 1615. The novel became widely popular and is today considered one of the greatest literary achievements of all time. In Cervantes’ novel, Don Quixote becomes entranced with the romances of chivalry by reading books. He sets out on his own quest for the woman of his affection: Dulcinea. With the help of Sancho Panza, his sidekick, he has many imaginary adventures in which he draws others into his fantasies. Sancho attempts to reveal Quixote’s eccentricity and Quixote, in turn reveals Sancho’s inability to imagine. A prime example of this contrast in perception is evident from the moment Sancho and Don Quixote meet. Sancho is but a peasant when Don Quixote enlists his help. â€Å"[Don Quixote] used so many arguments, an made so many promises, that the poor fellow resolved to sally out with him and serve him in the capacity of a squire† (Cervantes, 32). Don Quixote convinces Sancho of his nobility and Sancho, initially realizing the insanity of Quixote’s claims, lays doubt to his proclamations. Sancho is â€Å"shallow-brained† but still must be persuaded by Don Quixote before leaving with him (32). In Sebastian Juan Arbo’s biographical study of Cervantes, he provides insight into this contrast: â€Å"Each defends the other, but Sancho defends the reality of life, and Don Quixote the reality for his dreams without which he cannot live† (250). The sharp distinction becomes clear in adventures that the two partake in. In one episode, Don Quixote decides to free galley-slaves who are being held against their will. Sancho dictates very clearly to Quixote that they are erving a punishment mandated by the king himself, but Quixote will hear nothing of it. He decides he will oppose â€Å"force† and â€Å"defeat violence† as though he is running a campaign of self-promotion. Ignoring Sancho’s warnings is something Don Quixote consistently fulfills. Aubrey F. G. Bell in her biography Cervantes, tells us likewise, Sancho is, despite his  "skeptical credulity and his hesitation in action, his character is as consistent as that of his master† (199). In the end, Sancho must watch the slaves escape to present themselves to the Lady Dulcinea per Don Quixote’s request. In this particular case, Quixote’s fantasy wins out over reality, but such is not always the case. The adventure of the windmills is the most prominently featured example of Don Quixote’s episodic adventures. In this particular event, Don Quixote claims that windmills are giants that are on the plains. A very honest Sancho tells his master that they are not giants but windmills. After Quixote is knocked down by a windmill sail, Sancho says: â€Å"did not I warn you to have care of what you did, for that they were nothing but windmills? (Cervantes, 36) Quixote, now seeing the truth, claims that an evil sage has turned the giants into windmills to deprive the knight of his glory. Though Sancho warns Don Quixote from the beginning, it is almost inevitable that he is caught up in the imagination of his master (Mack, 1526). Another example of reason triumphing over fantasy is when Don Quixote wishes to battle the lions. When they by chance come across the carriage transport ing the lions, Don Quixote wishes to battle them for nothing more than the sake of proving himself. Sancho begs with his master to allow the lions to remain in the cages, but Don Quixote is persistent, claiming he has strength over the beasts (266). Quixote will defeat anything that threatens his love Dulcinea, even at the cost of his own life. Sancho, on the other hand, fully understands the danger of the situation and when the doors to the cages are opened, he flees. This is the way the two characters work together. In Edward Honig’s essay, On the Interludes of Cervantes, the counterparts come alive in contrast to the other. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are dramatic: their voices engage each other and depend on each other; they come alive through the irritation of their complementariness, by the mere fact that they are thrown together and must reckon with each other† (154). This is true even to the point that they are nothing without each other. When Don Quixote is on his deathbed, Sancho begs him not to die, but to continue in the adventure and quest that they had j oined one another in. Sancho is afraid of what might happen if his master is gone. By the end of Cervantes’ novel, the lives of the two characters have become so intertwined it is painful to separate. W. H. Auden is a critic of Cervantes and best expresses the importance of this pairing. Take away Don Quixote, and Sancho Panza is so nearly pure flesh, immediacy of feeling, so nearly without will [†¦ ] Take away Sancho Panza, on the other hand, and Don Quixote is so nearly pure spirit [†¦ ] who rejects matter and feeling and is nothing but an egotistic will (80, 81). In the end, Don Quixote dies a sane man, and Sancho is left with the memories of adventure and nothing more. The character of Sanson, who was also involved in Don Quixote’s endeavors, is the first person to legitimately recognize Sancho’s stance when he claims â€Å"honest Sancho is very much in the right† (Cervantes, 443). Quixote, too is satisfied with his ending, proclaiming â€Å"I was mad, I am now sane† on his death bed (443). Quixote ends his life as a sane man, but if he had lived it sane, there would be no story to tell. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are essential components to the attractive Cervantes novel. Without the two supplementing one another there would be and could be no story. The two characters are forever embedded in one another through literary history. Quixote and Sancho’s characteristics never fail to impress, amuse and enlighten. These characters are the devices of Cervantes’ literary technique, and the life force of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Works Cited Arbo, Sebastian Juan. Cervantes: The Man and His Time. New York: The Vanguard Press, 1955. Auden, W. H. The Ironic Hero: Some Reflections on Don Quixote. † Ed. Lowry Nelson, Jr. Cervantes. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1969. Bell, Aubrey F. G. Cervantes. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. Honig, Edwin. â€Å"On the Interludes of Cervantes. † Ed. Lowry Nelson, Jr. Cervantes. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1969. Mack, Maynard, ed. The Norton Anthology of World Master pieces. New York: W. W. Norton, 1997. Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Trans. Charles Jarvis. New York: Washington Square Press, Inc. , 1957. How to cite Don Quixote de La Mancha, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Juvenile Delinquents Analysis Essay Example For Students

Juvenile Delinquents Analysis Essay On March 7, 2000, Californians voted in favor of Proposition 21 The Juvenile Justice Initiative. . The number of crimes committed by juveniles has risen dramatically, and it will continue to rise unless some action is taken. Thus, juvenile offenders should be punished more severely to deter other teenagers from committing crimes and for the safety of all citizens. I am in favor of the requirement that juvenile offenders, age 14 or older, be tried as adults for serious crimes, such as murder or violent sex offenses. Juveniles that commit these serious offenses should be tried and sentenced as an adult, rather than just being given a slap on the wrist. Having more severe punishments for juvenile offenders that commit violent crimes would most likely decrease juvenile offenses. More severe punishment for juveniles would equal less crime, because juveniles would then think twice before breaking the law if they are aware that a severe punishment awaits them. While it is not appropriate f or these individuals to be placed in the same facilities as adult offenders, they should receive the same degree of punishment, but in a facility with peers their own age who have committed similar offenses. The juvenile justice system is not adequate in handling serious crimes committed by minors. It does not ensure that these young juvenile offenders will end their days of crime. In most cases, sentences issued are merely slaps on the wrist. With this in consideration, it can be realized that a stricter justice system can eventually deter teenagers from committing violent crimes. In the past, the majority of cases brought to juvenile court were misdemeanors. Today, the crimes are becoming more and more serious than in the past. More felonies are committed by juveniles today, than misdemeanors. More strict penalties need to be set for serious crimes committed by juveniles. Juveniles who perpetrate violent crimes or felonies should be sentenced as an adult. While some misdemeanors are still serious crimes, the ones who commit them do not require as harsh a treatment as the ones who commit violent crimes or felonies. Many people believe that under the guidance of social workers or probation officers that young offenders undergo a type of rehabilitation. So, instead of placing violent juvenile offenders into facilities where they should be treated as prisoners, the juvenile justice system places them into facilities where they receive guidance in hopes of rehabilitating them. However, this youth guidance facility usually includes comfortable amenities such as: television, recreational games and sports, better food, and medical care than what one would have at home. This does not set a good example for an offenders peers. Their peers come to realize that the punishment is not at all that bad. Subsequently, these young offenders will commit the same crimes because they are not afraid of the consequences. If juvenile offenders are punished the same degree as adult offenders, it would possibly strike fear into the hearts of others. As a result, many juveniles may refrain from committing crimes. Many p eople believe that when juveniles are imprisoned, the development of their criminal traits is only encouraged. When placed in an adult environment at a young age, many believe that the adult prison system will act as a school of crime for juveniles. I do not believe that they are going to learn anything in prison that they havent already learned on the outside. I also believe that separate facilities should be created, in which to place minors apart from adults to serve sentences for the crimes they have committed. Just as adult offenders have a trial and receive a sentence, juvenile offenders who commit violent crimes should also be tried and punished for their crimes. It is not acceptable for juvenile offenders to get off the hook with just a requirement to attend a class and pay a fine, which is basically a slap on the wrist. Adults who commit the same types of violent crimes are prosecuted and required to serve prison time. A separate court should be created within the juvenile justice system when a minor commits murder or a violent sex offense. Cases in which the offenders are minors, should not be sent to the

Friday, November 29, 2019

Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber Essays -

Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber One theme present in Ernest Hemingway's short story, "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", is that the way a person views his life can change completely in one fulfilling moment, if only for an instant. This is a story of a man's continuous display of cowardice, his wife's retaliatory love affair, and his recovery of integrity and pride as he bravely faces a charging buffalo. Francis Macomber is a prominent American businessman with a beautiful, dominating wife who holds the control and power in their marriage. At the start of their safari trip to Africa, Francis Macomber is regarded as a coward and endures the embarrassment from his own cowardliness during the hunt, the disrespect from his wife, as well as a feeling of weakness when compared to Robert Wilson, his safari leader. He regains his integrity and confidence when he faces a charging bull only to have his life cut short when his fires a bullet through the back of his head. At the start of the safari, Francis Macomber must endure the embarrassment of his own cowardliness during the hunt. He is first presented in a "mock triumph", since he had only "half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration" (DiYanni 337). This is evident that Macomber has withdrawn from his prior hunt for a lion and has already been recognized as a coward in the eyes of the gun-bearers. They do not wish to pretend along with everyone else that Francis deserves praise for a lion that he supposedly shot. Macomber, however, does finally shoot a lion during his second outing with Wilson and his wife. Upon approaching the injured lion hiding in the tall grasses, "Macomber heard the blood-choked coughing grant, and saw the swishing rush in the grass. The next this he knew he was running; running wildly, in panic in the open, running towards the stream" (DiYanni 347). Macomber does here what most any man would do if confrotned by a lion. He runs. His wife, however criticizes him for what she sees as weakness in her eyes. Another factor contributing to Francis Macomber's suffering self-esteem is that he must also withstand the constant disrespect from his own wife, Margot. She is the power in their marriage and refuses to let him show any type of influence in their relationship. Margot readily shows everyone around them how humiliated she is of her husband's actions even at the beginning of the safari when she shuns her husband's choice of drink. She maintains much control and is open with her affairs with other men. After the incident with lion and she witnesses Francis's terrified retreat from the lion, she blatantly "leaned forward over the low seat and kissed him on the mouth", referring to Robert Wilson (DiYanni 347). She does not consider any of Francis's feelings. When he asks her where she has been when she finally returns in the middle of the night to their tent, she reply's "Out to get a breath of air", to which Francis reply's "That's a new name for it. You are a bitch"(DiYanni 347). This seems to imply that this is not the first time she has been caught in an affair. She states that the reason for her behavior is the result of his cowardice. She turns to other men who demonstrate what she believes to be strength and bravery. She holds absolutely no respect for her husband, and insists on accompanying them on the safari even though even Wilson openly opposes her request and thinks to himself that "women are a nuisance on safari" (DiYanni 350). Francis Macomber, although wealthier and more prominent when compared to his safari leader, Robert Wilson, also lacks the strength and self-knowledge that Wilson seems to carry naturally in order to survive in the African wildlife. Wilson represents the brave and courageous man that Francis Macomber wants to become. He is introduced ordering a gimlet and therefore rejecting Macomber's kind of drink. Macomber feeling ashamed of himself and unsure of his choice changes his mind and orders the same drink. He is aware of his self-consciousness and asks Wilson to not talk about an earlier incident in which he had "bolted like a rabbit." Wilson, at this point, loses any respect he has at all for Macomber, "so he's

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing Tips on Book Reviews for Students

Writing Tips on Book Reviews for Students How to Write a Book Review So, you have got a book to review and chances are big that it will be published if you manage your job well. How to write such kind of paper? Some writers consider reviews as the opportunity to advance their own strongly held opinions and to do it at great length. However, you should not do that (neither should they!). Keep in mind that you have to describe a book and you usually have just about 1,000 words to do that. Of course, your readers might be interested in your opinion, but first of all they are interested in the book itself and in the question whether it is worth reading. Just like any other genre of academic writing, book reviews have a standard structure. It can differ a bit depending on the discipline and publication venue, but there are basic writing tips on how to complete a book review. Write One Paragraph for Each of the Following Sections Introductory Paragraph Every well-written academic paper has an introduction. Start with the general explanation of the topic or issue described in the book. The introduction is your only chance to grab your readers attention and make him/her want to continue reading. Summary of Argument In this section, you should do your best to briefly and clearly summarize the argument of the book. What is the purpose of this book? If there is a clearly identifiable thesis statement in the work, you can also quote it directly. About the Author While writing a book review, you should also include some basic biographical information about its author. Write a couple of words about who he/she is; what he/she is known for; what certain sort of qualifications and expertise he/she brings to the subject; what are the ways the work you are writing about can fit into a bigger research or career trajectory. Summary of Content It is necessary to describe the research methods, which are used in the book and the range of substantive material, which is covered in it. Strengths You should identify one or a couple of certain areas, in which the book is great. You can point out just a single major strength if it is an academic work. Weaknesses You also have to identify certain area or areas, in which the work could be improved. It can be related to something you really believe is incorrect, but it would be better if it is something that the author omitted or neglected to address in detail. Concluding Paragraph Make sure to end your writing with a concluding statement, which summarizes your point of view. Besides, you should clearly identify the audience that in your opinion would appreciate reading it. Writing good reviews comes with experience, as any other skill. Everything that is required from you is to take the first step in that direction.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Poverty in the USA Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poverty in the USA - Article Example So there are statistical and social definitions of poverty, as well as a mixture of both methods. Social definition includes the concept of empowerment and human development (Think Quest, 2006). In other words, â€Å"...objective measures of poverty present numerous problems in terms of identifying the poor, but succeed in providing the aggregate statistics policy makers desire† (Maxwell, 1999, p. 3). Most of the time emphasis is made on defining and measuring poverty thresholds and poverty lines, but some researchers argue that policy makers should define and measure poverty in terms of â€Å"self-sufficiency† (Mutari, 2001) or the level of income that a person or a family really needs to live a life free of worries about economical and human development issues. In the United States poverty began to be measured in the 1950s based on a survey that showed that families spent about one-third of their incomes on food. Mollie Orshansky, an economist from the Social Security Administration, set the poverty threshold at three times the cost of an economy food plan defined by the Department of Agriculture (University of Michigan, 2001). The thresholds are updated yearly and vary according to the size and age composition of a family (US Census Bureau, 2009). Frank states that â€Å"using these income levels, the Census Bureau reported that 12.7% percent of U.S. residents and 17.8% of U.S. children lived in poverty in 2004. Black Americans experience poverty at nearly double these rates: 24.9% of all Blacks and 33.3% of Black children live in households with incomes below the poverty line† (Frank, 2006). Most of the researchers and experts agree that the poverty line is â€Å"far too low for a household to survive on in most parts of the United States† (Frank, 2006). Researchers Pearce and Brooks found that â€Å"a single parent living in the Bronx with two children, one in school and one in daycare, would need a gross income of $3,684 per month

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personal response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal response - Assignment Example When both male members of her family showed their concern over her relationship with Hamlet, she defends her love for Hamlet but follows the counsel of his father seeing the wisdom in his argument (Act I, Scene III). During her time, women were not allowed to have discourse with men. They merely followed. Ophelia’s discourse with Laertes and her father shows a woman who fights for the man he loves but it also shows a woman who can see reason and wisdom in her father’s arguments and that is why she obeyed him. Who is Ophelia? She is a woman who knows how to love and fight for her loves. She is reasonable and recognizes wisdom. She is a woman of strength and substance. She knows her duty. During those times Honor meant more than riches. In her need to protect her family’s honor she drowned herself. She could not contain within herself the thought of her fathers’ death – he died avenging her dignity and honor-- that she killed herself. Tragic! It also aims to scorn men for looking at women as mere toys and possessions. This is the Ophelia I

Monday, November 18, 2019

In the current economic climate in Britain, the risks of starting up a Essay

In the current economic climate in Britain, the risks of starting up a new business outweigh the benefits, Discuss - Essay Example Admittedly, some very recent reports of Britain's Office for National Statistics indicate a hopeful improvement in the economic performance of the nation with regard to its GDP that showed ‘over 3 percent annual growth rate’ unlike other world economies (Schomber and Milliken). Although the 0.8 percent growth it showed between July and September ranks its fastest pace in more than three years, the employment growth has not yet showed significant improvement; and this makes the sustainability of the economic recovery uncertain. Hence, from an entrepreneur’s point of view, the risks of starting up a new business in UK in the current economic climate outweigh the benefits. Some experts believe that Britain’s economy is built on shaky foundations. To illustrate, as Elliot, the Guardian reporter points out, the economy is exceedingly depending on private, ‘and to a lesser extent to public borrowing’. He also says that the so called economic recovery is concentrated only in certain sectors and as a result, ‘manufacturing base is shrinking’ and the trade deficit is mounting. Obviously, all these reports reveal that UK economy currently is relying on a debt based recovery which will raise long term financial stability concerns. The growing rate of consumer borrowing is one of the symptoms of this economic crisis. Another point to mention here is that the highlighted GDP growth in fact does not add up for the country’s working class. For instance, over the past 12 months, the use of food banks has gone up by 170% in the nation, and still five million people in the UK are currently living in fuel poverty (Cresswell). The financial position of an economy can influence a company’s stability and sustainability. New businesses are highly vulnerable to risks related to the economic stability of the country in which it operates. New entrepreneurs often fail to plan financial projections or create good working e nvironment. It is necessary for new businesses to determine if their product or service is strong enough to sustain the market completion and other challenges. Business owners with little knowledge in current trends and socio economic changes tend to fail in their venture. In other words, it is important to study the socio economic and political conditions of the business destination before commencing operation. Finding a new appropriate business is also a challenge in the new environment. It requires extensive research to determine the most relevant product and business concept in a competitive environment. One recent survey report reveals that 31% of the participants opined that finding a new business would be the major challenge for their organisations in 2013 ‘followed by rising costs (14%) and holding onto customers (13%)’ (MT Management). At this juncture, new entrepreneurs must be cautious about the current economic climate in the UK regardless of the recent impr ovements. This is because even Britain's big businesses have just started spending their cash piles after the recession. Although expansion is their higher priority, for the time being, their decisions seem to be an experiment. When it comes to new businesses, they usually confront insufficient cash flow, lack of expertise, and knowledge. Although new businesses fail due to a multitude of reasons, there are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Marketing Trends of Coca-Cola

Marketing Trends of Coca-Cola 1.0 Introduction When question of marketing communication is asked there will be numerous answers as there are many respondents. One of the most common answers is the advertising that is most visible of the marketing communication. In twentieth century the term advertising was used what might be called marketing contemporaneously. However the terms communication has eclipsed the advertising and promotion due to the services of the firm in form of its products, brands to its audiences during the last two decades. Marketing Business are the means by which services, supplier of goods and values represent themselves before the targeted audiences with the objectives of stimulating the talks for better commercial and other relationships. Marketing Communication is influenced by the environmental factors and media development, budgetary demands and most likely by the consumers attitudes. Coca Cola being the one of the largest brands in the world with brand portfolio and value has top four soft drink brands out of the five. Diet Coke, Coca Cola, Fanta and Sprite are owned by the Coca-Cola. Responsible marketing is the fundamental principle of Coca-Cola Company in UK. All marketing initiatives are reviewed to ensure all the complied principles as media buyers and other marketing agencies. 2.0 Marketing Trends of Coca-Cola in UK The marketing principles and policies are reviewed to keep up to date with the changing market trends. The Coca-Cola Company in Great Britain is tilted towards the voices of parents and their concerns about the advances in online marketing. Children under age of 12 cannot understand the purpose of the commercial ads and lack the necessary skills and judgments required for it. For the GB market the Coca-Cola Company has developed a charter for responsible marketing built on the European and Goal commitments. The Coca-Cola Company ensures that its marketing practices are according to social expectations and wants to remain responsible producers. It is also included in core principles of Coca-Cola Company that collaboratively work with public, stakeholders, customers is defined and ensures the compliance. The marketing values of Coca-Cola Company are mainly focused positively with optimism, for that the Coca-Cola Company has stood the time since the cold drinks were sold first time 120 years ago. There are more than 59 competitors of Coca-Cola in UK. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Nestle and PepsiCo are the famous competitors of Coca-Cola in UK. The electronic technologies and internet have grown rapidly and resulting the increase in global communication. It has allowed the firms to work in partnership with other countries and international market. The global soft market is expected to increase to 3.6% from 2004 to 2010 (Datamonitor, 2005). For the consumers of Coca-Cola the growing trends societal concerns, lifestyle and attitudes are very important. It is causing the industrys business to change because the Coca-Cola is differentiating in its products to increase the sales in a stagnant market. Coca-Cola is in the rivalry of the Pepsi and they are in power struggle. The main focus of the Coca-Cola is to compete in the non-alcoholic drinks in the beverage industry. Other than Pepsi Coca-Cola is competing a multiple firms located in UK. The products included in list are the carbonated soft drinks, packed water, nectars and juices, energy and sport drinks, coffee and tea, fruit drinks and other beverage. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have saturated the European markets. International markets are different from the local UK market. Closer competitor of Coca-Cola is the Pepsi which also offers the similar products. Other closer competitors include the Tango. The brands of the Coca-Cola are much popular among the citizens of the UK. Brands are the more important role players for the promotion of sales of Coca-Colas products. It is difficult to manage the brands as they constitute many intangible components. These intangible assets account significantly a big part of Coca-Colas values the se days in UK. Tangible assets have moved the Coca-Cola from a situation when its tangible assets represented only 3% of its market value. During the process of evolution and development of Coca-Cola its managers have faces the risks as given below. Bottling Partners: The relationships of the Coca-Cola are at risk with the bottling partners due to sub-par return on capital. To alleviate this issue Coca-Cola needed to increase its shares and capital return. Economic Slowdown: The slowdown of global economic growth has also affected on the Coca-Colas sales and sale of many brands is slow down. Expansion Strategy: The expansion strategy of non-carbonated market has many growth trends but the market margins are lower and may take the profits away from the core business of Coca-Cola. In presence of these risks the Coca-Cola has stabilized it in UK and Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. produces the 240 million cases of products every year in six different manufacturing sites, seven distribution sites with largest plant at Wakefield in the world. 3.0 Strategic Objectives of Coca-Cola Being the one of the global company in the world, it took responsibilities to affect the communities in UK in some ways. Company has mission which called the mission stated as The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business. In community company has made efforts to build relationships among the different communities. Coca-Cola Company has focused to improve the quality life of citizens. It has addressed water, waste management and climate changes in UK communities. Company has focused on the higher education to build the strong communities and enhance individual opportunity. Business growth is entire objective of the Company and requires the following five forces model. This model helps to work out the dynamics in UK market and other areas of activity. It tells the company who other companies are competing in the market. It also provides a way to enter into market as a fresh company. The porters model helps to find out the other enterprises and also identifying the implications in existing market. There are five key forces as shown in the following figure. New Entrants Suppliers Buyers Existing Competitors Substitutes Figure 1: Porters Five Forces Porters model shows us the five forces which affect the Coca-Cola Companys development in UK. These forces include the New entrants Coca-Cola with other rivals is established in UK and is popular among the customers due to its brands. Buyers power Alternative products and services Potential of Suppliers Current Competitors The current competitors of Coca-Cola are discussed above in brief. PepsiCo is the main competitors of the Coca-Cola and is deriving more than 50% shares in industry. All forces in Porters model are connected in a dynamic relationship. 4.0 Marketing Communication of Coca-Cola 4.1 Corporate Objectives There are several objectives that company gives to its shareholders include as The increase in the soft drinks growth rate by the company Driving the profitable growth by broadening the family brands Generating the growth through all channels via creating the consistent services to its customers The direct investment with great extent in different areas of UK drinks market Driving efficiently and cost-effectively in all parts of the UK where they are planted 4.2 Marketing Objectives In Europe the sale of the Coca-Cola brands represents a great percentage in UK with billion dollars. To represent a larger part of European market the Company wants to increase its sale during the next year 2011. It is already told that products are home-consummated drinks. Company wants to increase its impulse during the next 12 months. Due to the satisfaction of the stockholders the market shares can be increased during the next 12 months. 4.3 Communication Objectives Communication objectives of the Coca-Cola are as given below Make awareness among the people facing the products during the next year and grouping the all targeted audiences. As Coca-Cola is a well famous due to its brands in UK, it is not possible to increase its awareness by an important percentage. Company emphasizes on the awareness of its new products which are compared to its competitors in market. The specific brands are with great tastes which differentiate it from other brands. Coca-Cola Company is known due its brands in history and can lose its position as a brand for the youth in UK. It requires repositioning it among the teenagers. Coca-Cola is the leader of the drinks for the consumers in UK, it is not necessary that it will remain at top position during the next years. It requires the brands must reinforce its saturation with leading audiences. 5.0 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 5.1 Target Audiences The consumer data collected between 1995 and 2000 shows that women were the heavier users than the men. But this trend changed in 2002 and men became the main users of the Coca-Cola products. Social groups are the main consumers of its brands. Brands need to be increased their sale among the different groups in UK. These groups are future consumers of these brands in a long term of objectives. Women must be encouraged to become the main consumers as seen in previous years. 5.2 Targeting the youth A pull strategy can appeal to young in country and corporate image of company can be changed by an art sponsorship. This can be achieved by clarifying its name and a best singer can be sponsored for these objectives. Teenagers in UK can recognize the company due to its brands, which are supportive to produce the rock scenes better than previously. 5.3 Targeting the males: Sports events Coca-Cola is popular among the males due to its sport sponsorships. The idea behind the sponsorship is to approach the large audiences during the sports events in country. Games like football, cricket, rugby and tennis are main events in UK for the all 12 months and Coca-Cola can intensify its advertising campaign. Banners are useful placed on the doors or gates of the stadiums or playgrounds. 5.4 Young adults A push strategy is more useful to attract the young adults. Young people use the alcoholic drinks at clubs with their friends. A common venture of Whisky brand by developing an association with barmen can prove to be favorite drinks at most fashionable place in the cities of UK. In clubbing the Coca-Cola will put the Whisky-Coke as the fashion drink. 5.5 Targeting the large audience: TVs and Cinemas advertising By the widespread campaign on TV young audience can become more receptive towards the Coca-Colas brands. The TV campaign or advertising is a cost-effective way and provides an opportunity to targeted audience to establish an association with sponsors and programs. A new can be diffused by the cinema complexes. Cinema is a place where targeted audience are in a best approach with the kind of the film chosen there. 5.6 Press advertising Young and old audiences are targeted by the press advertising and female are more targeted than males. Older people read the magazines due to health articles are written there while teenagers read it for the fashions. 6.0 MIX RECOMMENDATION FOR COMMUNICATION 6.1 Banners The intensive use of banners during the March and April makes the start of the new campaign; banners are based on the same themes shown at TVs. Banners placed on the public transport are good means of advertising because buses are seen by the majority of the people, especially students who travel to their universities. Stadiums are the places where the banners are displayed during the sports events in major cities like London, Manchester and Liverpool etc. 6.2 Sale Promotions Two methods are crucial for the sale promotions; first one is used for the manufacturer to resellers and second one used for the manufacturers to consumers. In first place Coca-Cola will encourage the resellers to purchase the products with increased amount and develop a great usage of its products. Brand loyalty is the desired objective of the Coca-Cola. In the second place the Coca-Cola will encourage the users of its competitors to change the use of products. Regular customers are always at the priority list of the company to be benefited. 6.3 Online Promotions Website is the main source of the online advertising and updates about the brands, prices and new promotions can be accessed through the websites. Screen savers, games and other downloads about the Coca-Cola brands are available from the Coca-Cola websites. These promotions are not only based upon the product itself but also the images transmitted by these brands. 6.4 Joint Ventures Joint ventures with Whisky brands in clubs and pubs will be useful for the company. The relationship with be established with specific clubs and pubs. Aim is to develop a new fashion about Whisky-Coke. T-shirts and Caps in clubs and pubs can attract more young adults. 6.5 Budget and Media issues Several magazines will be the part of campaign to approach the targeted audiences. This campaign will be started from the May to August; Hello and OK magazines will be the sources for this campaign. These are weekly based magazines and young girls are more interested to read them. Top Santà © and Readers are the magazines and older audiences are the targets of these monthly magazines. 6.6 Cinema Budget A campaign will be started from June to July and new commercial will be diffused in major cities of the UK. The two films will be targeted in the evening sà ©ance only on Friday and Saturday. Total budget for the cinema can be calculated as: 1 sà ©ance * 2 days * 5 cities * 8 weeks * 40000 = 3,200,000 (GBP). 6.7 Poster Budget There are two possible sources where posters can be displayed: buses banners and roadside banners. Roadside banners will be done during the next 20 weeks and 2000 panels T side buses will be completed during the next 6 months. 6.8 Internet Budget The images of Coca-Cola brands and screen savers require the specific knowledge. A budget of 100000 (GBP) will be used to create the games and adaptation of websites. 6.9 Sale Promotion and Joint Venture Budgets Coupons offers demand the budget of the 300000 (GBP) and a budget of 200000 will be needed for the competition campaign. Promotions in clubs also need an amount of 400000 (GBP) and it will contain the contacts with JB, contracts with clubs and packaging designed for the use of T-shirts, glasses and caps. 6.10 Evaluation There are numerous methods to evaluate the achievements of objectives and media has their own evaluation methods. This evaluation is helpful to determine the effectiveness of the marketing communication plan. 7.0 Issues of Coca-Cola in Current business Scenario According to Dr. John S. Pemberton the mixture of coca-cola syrup and carbonated water yielding the fountain beverage was first time introduced by the Coca-Cola. This product is sold in every state of the state of U.S. (http://www.virtualvender.coca-cola.com/ft/index.jsp). In annual report of the Coca-Cola Company 24.4 billion products were sold in year 2009 (Annual Report of Coca-Cola, 2009). Sustainability of business is an important pillar of 2010 years business strategy which are carried out for the part of the corporate social responsibility and coalition of global investors have appraised the Coca-Cola with high-quality reports for the investors (www.coca.collahellenic.com). Coca-Cola is much focusing upon the Social Responsibility focus because it wanted to promote the lives of people living in the community. Coca-Cola is involved in many programs like Education on Wheels especially in Singapore (O.C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich Linda Ferrell, 2009). Coca-Cola is diversifying bas ed upon its products a planned to launch new products in UK. As Malven Water a product of Coca-Cola is owned by the UK (Hall, 2007). The competition of the Coca-Cola with PepsiCo Corporation has forced the Coca-Cola to get profit beyond the selling of its products. Company does not only sell the products but works with the bottling companies. Some which are owned by the Coca-Cola but others are not. Company is facing the issue of earning more. To combat this issue Coca-Cola has acquired the companies to make more growth. Mr., Daft the Chief Executive of Coca-Cola in 2001 made recommendations to acquire the Quaker Oats Company. Coca-Cola was interested in the brands of the Quaker Oats Company. But Quaker Oats Company was bought by the Pepsi in 2001 (Lynch, 2007). Coca-Cola throughout history has crises in market shares. The New Coke fiasco was noticed and it took step to replace this version with original brand of Coke and defeated its archival Pepsi. Executives of the Coca-Cola thou ght to revise the formula of this Coke product (Adam Lindgreen, Martin Hingley Joà «lle Vanhamme, 2009).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Behavior Essay -- essays research papers

Behavior- Behave, it its root form, means to contain or to have. In the reflective sense, it means ‘to have bear oneself’. To use the word behave in common conversation, it is understood as to ‘behave well’. As for the phrase ‘to behave badly’, it is understood immediately. Behavior is looked at in society as the way a person presents him or herself in a given situation. It is also related to the specialized sense of manners. Use of the noun to refer to public conduct or, in a moral sense, to a general range of activities is still quite common. But the term is also used in relation to plants, lower organisms and animals to describe the apparent activity of the whole organism. One particular meaning followed from the extension of the methodology of the physical and biological sciences to an influential school of psychology which described itself as behaviorism. Psychology was seen as a purely objective experimental branch of natural science and data of a mental or experimental kind were ruled out as unscientific. This had the effect of limiting the nature of human activity to interactions determined by an environment, other conceptions of intention or purpose being rejected. Many socially applied fields such as communications and advertising, the relatively neutral physical senses of response have been developed into a reductive system of controlled behavior as a summary of all significant human activity. The most important effect is the description of certain intentional human practices and systems as if they were natural stimuli, to which responses can be graded as normal, abnormal or deviant. The sense of independent response is weakened, with important effects in politics and sociology. Bourgeois- Originating in the French language, bourgeois indicates an inhabitant of a borough. Under the feudal regime in France, bourgeois was a judicial category in society, sometimes defined as a trustworthy citizen whose being in life is stable and content. Bourgeois was a word mostly used by the aristocrats because of their contempt for the middle-class. It was also used by the underclass in a sense of respect. The steady growth in size and importance of this bourgeois class in the centries of expanding trade had major consequences in political thought, which in turn had complicating effects on the word. A new concept of society was expressed and transl... ...t controlling intermediary between producers, an employee of labor, or as the owner of the means of production. Career- Definition- The word career is so regularly used to describe a person’s progress in life that the original meanings of the word have been long forgotten. The word career originally meant any rapid or uninterrupted activity. It was used when referring to a carriage road or a racecourse. Career began to evolve when it was used with reference to diplomats and statesmen. The word soon began to indicate progress in a vocation and then the vocation itself. Today, career is inseparable from the terms work, labor, or job. It has been applied to jobs with explicit internal development and has been extended to any favorable or desired occupation. Career is still used in the abstract sense of politicians and entertainers, with some conscious and unconscious class distinction, to work or a job which contains some implicit promise of progress. Career now usually implies continuity if not necessarily promotion, yet the distinction between career and job only partly depends on this and is often associated also with class distinctions between different kinds of work.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Secret Life of Bees Research Paper

Jackie Yets 3/21/11 Per. 6, English H2/SP Secret Life of Bees Research Paper While one reads the Sue Monk Kidd novel, The Secret Life of Bees, an enigma acquainted with the book is why the Black Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia is used as opposed to a white Virgin Mary. With the story taking place in the racist south of 1964 it would be reasonable to assume that a black Mary wouldn’t be common, or readily accepted; however she still occupies a large area of the women’s lives. For the Boatwright’s, the Daughters of Mary, and quickly for Lily and Rosaleen, the black Virgin Mary is placed in the book as a source of strength, and maternal comfort. The most obvious symbolism of the Black Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia is that it is featured in the novel to give the characters a religious strength. In the story of ‘Our Lady of Chains’ August tells how the statue was such an inspiration to the slaves, and how â€Å"Our Lady filled their hearts with fearlessness†¦ And if it ever grew weak, they would only have to touch her heart again,† (109-110). ‘Our Lady of Chains’, another Divine black figure in the book besides the Madonna of Breznichar, does that same thing for all of the women. Along with ‘Our Lady’ the Bohemian Black Madonna has the same effect on the Daughters of Mary, because it showed them that â€Å"what’s divine can come in dark skin. You see, everybody needs a God who looks like them,† (141). In the real world however, there is no such thing as the Black Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia. The historical region of Bohemia was located in the same area as modern Poland, and Poland is home to a well known Black Madonna, Our Lady of Czestochowa, who shares many similarities with the Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia. These similarities, including features and elements of the pictures, strongly suggest that the Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia is based on Our Lady of Czestochowa. Our Lady of Czestochowa is well known for her ‘miracle working’, mostly involving scaring away foreign invaders and assisting small groups of defenders in defeating powerful armies (Similar to Lily, Rosaleen, the Boatwrights, and the Daughters of Mary gaining the strength to convince an angry T-Ray to leave Lily with them? ). The Black Madonna is also historically known to have been at the foundation of rebellions and revolutions, and leading to freedom; which can again be connected to Lily leaving and becoming free of her father. However the Black Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia also has another role. Another component of the Bohemian Madonna’s role is her place as a ‘mother of thousands’. In a reflection on The Secret Life of Bees by the author, Sue Monk Kidd said that the Black Virgin Mary existed in the novel to be a symbol of comfort. She also planned for Lily to have a coming home to herself, and a discovery of a mother within to take place with the help of a divine female presence, the Black Mary. Along with the strong connections between the Mary and a mother-like role to the characters, in a religious perspective she is of course a symbol of motherhood, and giving life. In general, the Virgin Mary is known for giving birth to Christ. There is also another connection concerning the Black Mary, which is that she is the ancient earth-goddess that was altered for use in Christianity. Many other goddesses were pictured as black, most importantly Ceres the Roman goddess of agricultural fertility. Keeping in mind the theory that the Black Madonna is an ancient earth-goddess, agriculturally the best fertile soil is characterized by a black color. The blacker the soil, the more becoming it is for farming. Good farming leads to more food, which keeps humans alive. Summing it up, the black earth gives life. This is another strong connection to a life giving maternal role. There’s also another spiritual connection to the comfort brought by the presence of Our Lady of Czestochowa. This connection regards the hidden meaning of the colors present in the images of the Mother; first is the blue-green background, which symbolizes hope. Foremost, the brown skin color is more important, subtly indicating the human element as well as the long history seen by the Madonna. With all of these characteristics related to the Black Virgin Mary, it is clear why Kidd would create this divine figure to inspire her cast of characters. The insurgence nurtured in the history of Black Madonna created the perfect symbol to guide Lily in her search for a home and a connection to both her literal mother, as well as the mother within herself. Works Cited Duricy, Michael P. â€Å"Black Madonnas: Our Lady of Czestochowa. † Black Madonnas. The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute. , 26 March 2008. Web. 13 March 2011. Jozwik, Ziemowit. A Treasury of Europe. Europe and Me Magazine. N. p. 4 January 2010. Web. 13 March 2011. < http://www. europeandme. eu/8heart/455-the-black-madonna> Kidd, Sue Monk. Secret Life of Bees- The Black Madonna in the Novel. Sue Monk Kidd. LUX Interactive, LLC. , n. d. Web. 13 March 2011. Duricy, Michael P. Black Madonnas. The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute, 6 October 2009. Web. 13 March 2011. Cahoy, Nate. Comparing Madonnas. The Black Madonnas. PB Works. n. d. Web. 13 March 2011. Our Lady of CzestochowaBlack Madonna of Breznichar in Bohemia

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Manufacturing and Cultural History of Nylon Stockings

The Manufacturing and Cultural History of Nylon Stockings In 1930, Wallace Carothers, Julian Hill, and other researchers for the DuPont Company studied chains of molecules called polymers, in an attempt to find a substitute for silk. Pulling a heated rod from a beaker containing carbon- and alcohol-based molecules, they found the mixture stretched and, at room temperature, had a silky texture. This work culminated in the production of nylon marking the beginning of a new era in synthetic fibers. Nylon Stockings - 1939 New York World's Fair Nylon was first used for fishing line, surgical sutures, and toothbrush bristles. DuPont touted its new fiber as being as strong as steel, as fine as a spiders web, and first announced and demonstrated nylon and nylon stockings to the American public at the 1939 New York Worlds Fair. According to The Nylon Drama authors David Hounshell and John Kenly Smith, Charles Stine, vice president DuPont unveiled the worlds first synthetic fiber not to a scientific society but to three thousand womens club members gathered at the site of the 1939 New York Worlds Fair for the New York Herald Tribunes Eighth Annual Forum on Current Problems. He spoke in a session entitled We Enter the World of Tomorrow which was keyed to the theme of the forthcoming fair, the World of Tomorrow. Full-Scale Production of Nylon Stockings First Nylon PlantDuPont built the first full-scale nylon plant in Seaford, Delaware, and began commercial production in late 1939. The company decided not to register nylon as a trademark, according to Dupont they, choose to allow the word to enter the American vocabulary as a synonym for stockings, and from the time it went on sale to the general public in May 1940, nylon hosiery was a huge success: women lined up at stores across the country to obtain the precious goods. The first year on the market, DuPont sold 64 million pairs of stockings. That same year, nylon appeared in the movie, The Wizard of Oz, where it was used to create the tornado that carried Dorothy to the Emerald City. Nylon Stocking the War Effort In 1942, nylon went to war in the form of parachutes and tents. Nylon stockings were the favorite gift of American soldiers to impress British women. Nylon stockings were scarce in America until the end of World War II, but then returned with a vengeance. Shoppers crowded stores, and one San Francisco store was forced to halt stocking sales when it was mobbed by 10,000 anxious shoppers. Today, nylon is still used in all types of apparel and is the second most used synthetic fiber in the United States.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Skeletal Muscle essays

Skeletal Muscle essays The three types of muscle in the human body are cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is responsible for around 40 percent of the bodys mass. Skeletal muscle however, is the only type of muscle that is voluntary. This means you must first send a message to your brain and tell it to do something, then you brain tells your body what to do (Kimball). The structure of skeletal muscle is not common to many other cells in the body. For one, muscle cells are multinucleated. This means that they have more than one nuclei. When speaking of muscle cells, the terms fiber and cell are used interchangeably. Because muscle fibers are not single cells, the parts are given different names. Muscle cells as seen from a microscope have a very unique shape. They appear to be elongated and striated in appearance (Kimball). The outermost layer of a muscle is the epimysium. According to the NDI Foundation s definition, this is a fibrous sheath around the entire muscle. Moving in from the epimysium is the perimysium. This connective tissue surrounds bundles of muscle fibers or cells. The bundles that the perimysium surrounds are called fasciculus. From there each of the individual muscle fibers are surrounded by a connective tissue called the endomysium. Each of the individual muscle fibers is a thin and elongated cylinder that in most cases exten ds as long as the muscle itself. The cell membrane of the muscle cell is called the sarcolemma. Below the sarcolemma is the sarcoplasm. The sarcoplasm is simply the cytoplasm of a muscle cell. In the sarcoplasm there are cellular proteins, various organelles and myofibrils. Myofibrils are many thread-like structures that contain contractile proteins. The myofibrils are composed of either myosin or actin protein filaments. The way that the myosin and actin are arranged gives the muscle its striated appearance. Within the actin molecule there are the filaments troponin...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Syllabus anlysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Syllabus anlysis - Essay Example The syllabus for this course has been put under the scanner and this paper attempts to assay the merits of each aspect of the said syllabus. The syllabus on the whole is a well-balanced combination of theory and practice. The students are expected to be punctual, attentive and focused in the classrooms apart from coordinating their efforts in rightly aimed teamwork. The syllabus asks of a student to pay attention to nuances at the same time have the discernment of the bigger scenario. The Religious studies course with attention to mapping the realm of religion is philosophically inclined towards theology at the same time keeps a tab on current world events. Both the ideas are juxtaposed throughout the syllabus Sensitive topics are explored and researched mostly in groups by the learners. Much emphasis has been laid on developing the positive traits of teamwork in the student. The mind has been allowed to explore the corners of the world and unexplored dimensions as well. CLASS PARTICIPATION: As Benjamin Franklin had once said: "He that teaches himself hath a fool for his master." Classroom participation of a scholar enhances the growth of one's intellect. Classrooms are places where ideas are exchanged, communication fostered and diverse ways of problem solving inculcated. Attendance of a student in the class is o

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Courtship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Courtship - Essay Example Imitating the striking colors and enticing odors nature endows on other living creatures for necessitating mutual attraction which is a prerequisite to sexual consummation, women have adopted sexual statements through their attire and perfumes. Even though men have also taken up this task eventually, the amount to which a female tries to attract someone from the opposite sex through ‘make-up’ is much higher. The most prominent aspect through which sexual suggestiveness is achieved is the use of lipstick. In psychoanalytical readings, the symbolic significance of lips is related to the genital organ, and the ways in which women try to highlight their lips reveals their subconscious longing to express themselves sexually. In every culture, a young woman with deeply colored lips sends the message of sexual desirability. The innovations in women’s attire through the centuries had been amazing. The restricted innovativeness in men’s attire makes clear which gender is more interested in attracting the other through dress. While the inner wear of men serves a functional purpose except in very few exhibitionistic instances, women’s inner wear is under a constant flux of fashion statements. Likewise, the general dress patterns of women undergo much more changes than men’s dress could ever aspire to. There is not much scope for men to accentuate their body parts through their dress while women could choose from varying levels of suggestiveness and exposure through clever ways of dressing. The cosmetic products aimed at female customers abound supermarkets while there are only a few number of such products for men. The time an average woman spends on a hairdo or her skin tone is sufficient to explain the presence of so many women-centered cosmetics in the market. The general grooming of a girl to become a proper lady takes place from the moment she is born, while boys are not generally trained to acquire as many qualities to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis Paper - Essay Example Moreover, he has even-keel temperament and has ability for consensus-building. He's also a talented, introspective writer. However, Barrack Obama is more discussed from political and presidential point of view. This research paper discusses different forums where people have given their true opinions or reflections about Mr. Barack Obama. Reflections on Barack Obama The people opinions or reflections from online blogs, social networking websites, newspapers and articles are summarized as follows Online Blogs In an online blog, answering a question an individual stated that Barak Obama is the best president up till now the US has elected (Scifiman, 2007). Another user commented that he is a very courageous man who is continuously trying his best to satisfy the needs of the country. Moreover, his promise to make Washington work more transparent is appreciated. People have remarked him as hard worker who hasn’t turned his back on anyone. Some people appreciate the work of Mr. Oba ma commenting that all countries must have a president like him to make world a safer and gentle planet (Newbie, 2007). People have wished him success in all upcoming years and want him back again as president of US. Moreover, people believe that he is the one who will keep promise to strengthen US nation and will improve the lives of American nation (Troxler, 2008). Cammillie (n.d.) says that President Obama is better than the rest of the people and therefore he should be re-elected. Sarcastically, some people view him as best teleprompter reading (Sheltan, 2007). Although, he did well very little; but his speeches are heard by many. Moreover, Orson Scott Card (2008) comments that Obama's limited attitude about global warming and energy will add cost burden on America's poor people. Obama’s views on war are disagreed by most of the people. Deborah (n.d.) says that US must now stop invading other as the burden is shifted towards American taxpayer. Paying taxes kills American people. Moreover, people are against war which has resulted in sowing many social evil factors within American society such as drug abuse, disability, depression etc. People are more of view to have peaceful life. Rossmarie (n.d.) says that Obama is deceiving US nation by pretending that he is a transparent, moderate and unifying candidate. Moreover, he is destroying US military. Bobbie (n.d.) comments that Barrack Obama is a cold-hearted US hater who is somewhat responsible for the high debt that the country is facing in its history. Social Networking Websites Barack Obama is being discussed on Social media websites as well such as face book and twitter. Many face book pages are created on Barack Obama were people writes their comments, add videos, images etc. A quick survey of face book page shows that more people like him as their leader and have positive reviews regarding his presidency. The only thing that people discourages about his leadership is the increased tax burdens and war killings. However, besides appreciating US president, some people are against him and do not like his leadership. Slogans such as Go-Obama and No-Obama were observed my few individuals (Barrack Obama (b), 2012.). Similarly, social networking users have tweeted Barack Obama’s page on Twitter where the people’s opinion and discussions are same as that in face book (Barrack Obama News, 2012). Newspapers and articles New York Times has encouraged Obama as his victory is evidenced as he took

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The increase or decrease in CO2 emission Essay Example for Free

The increase or decrease in CO2 emission Essay Purpose The purpose of this report is to determine the increase or decrease in CO2 emission over the past 40 years. Showing that human activity is the reason for the altering of the CO2 emissions to the earth. Resulting in the unbalancing of ecosystems across the globe. (M.U.S.E., 2010) Introduction Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earths carbon cycle. Yet human-related emissions are responsible for the increase in CO2 emissions. The use of electricity accounts for 37% of total U. S. emissions, while transportation 31%, industry accounts for 15%, residential and commercial 10%, and other non-fossil fuel combustion 6%. That is 99% of the total globe greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States increased by about 7% between 1990 and 2013. (EPA, 2015) Not leaving out pollution also a contributor of increases in anthropogenic CO2. These things are the cause of the earth heating up, or global warming. Trees and plants help soak up the CO2 in the atmosphere but with the tearing down of trees to build industry buildings, residential and commercial buildings there are fewer trees and plants to take in CO2 for photosynthesis. Hypothesis and Predicted Outcomes If humans could find other resources that do not involve the combustion of fossil fuels, maybe there could be a chance to slow down the increasing CO2 emissions, if not the globe will continues to heat becoming more and more hazardous to humans, animals and plants on this planet. Methods For this lab I utilized information taken from the M.U.S.E as well as  information gleaned from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Discussion and Analysis Looking at the above chart it seems that within the 15 years from 1990 to 2014 there has been a big jump, but thinking about the last 40 years there has been a greater increase. As each generation of new industry products have come on the scene as well as more residential and commercial projects that have been generated, we tend to continue to add to the CO2  emissions problem. The auto industry is endeavoring on becoming more energy conscious by developing hydro vehicles. Like the auto industry it would be a good thing if more companies and families become more conscious of what is happening to our world. This can only happen through education and programs to stop global warming. References Career Education Corporation, (2015). Lab 3: Earth System Research Laboratory: Global Monitoring Division. Retrieved June 7, 2015 from M.U.S.E. https://campus.ctuonline.edu/courses/SCI1203/p1/hub1/hub.html EPA. (2015). Overview of Greenhouse Gases Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Retrieved June 7, 2015 from http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/co2.html

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Building Management System to Save Energy

Building Management System to Save Energy 1. Introduction of BMS Building Management System (BMS) is to control and monitor building services systems in an efficient way by centralizing the control of individual systems ( 1.1). The systems include HVAC, Fire Services Lift, Escalator, Lighting, Electrical Distribution, Steam Hot Water, and Plumbing Drainage. The main function of BMS is centralized control monitoring and fault management. So it has another name call Central Control and Monitoring System (CCMS). The other functions are enhance interface connectivity between systems, service response to customer, operator control of systems and graphical display to make the control of system more users friendly. Improve energy efficiency and operational efficiency. Allow capacity for future upgrades expansions and automation. And related system Building Automation System (BAS) will be use on BMS. 2. Basic BMS Design 3-Levels BMS Architecture ( 2.1): l Management Level User can configure and monitor plant performance. Anticipate future trends, improve efficiency, and analyze management report. l Automation / Controller Level The location with greatest technical control requirement, and differentiate one from others. Controllers automatically perform their tasks from I/P and to O/P. Controllers can communicate with each other (Peer-to-Peer). Event based operation. The devices can function at the highest efficiency and no repetitive information is transmitted. Controllers only react with the Management Level when plant goes out of limits, and adjustments are made through a user interface. l Field / Floor Level Information is gathered through sensors and other intelligent devices. The information will be sent back to the controllers. Third party equipment is integrated into the Automation and Field levels with control at the Management level. Centralized Architecture: Centrally controlled system ( 2.5) A control system in which transmission is to a central computer and the reliance of all controls on a central computer. Distributed Architecture: Distributed control ( 2.6) A control system in which control computations and intelligence are made at different locations and the result coordinated. System Architecture: The constraints of BMS are network expansion, the limited variety of topologies and transmission media. The solutions are mixing of communication media (twisted pair, power line, radio, infra-red, fibre optics, coaxial). Complete implementation of OSI model. Using free topology, user-friendly software and development cost. System Topology Topology affects system redundancy, communication protocol and system response time. The common system topologies such as: Bus, Star, Tree, Ring and Mesh. Bus Topology ( 2.7) All devices are connected to a central cable, call the bus or backbone. The advantage is much less cabling requirements. The brands using include Ethernet, Profitbus, ControlNet, LonWorks. Star Topology ( 2.8) All devices are conned to a central hub. Star networks are relatively easy to install and manage, but bottlenecks can occur because all data must pass through the hub. Cable fault affects one device only. But communication hub fault affects all devices. The brands using include Ethernet, Profitbus, ControlNet, LonWorks. Tree Topology ( 2.9) The topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies. It consists of groups of star-configured workstations connected to a linear bus backbone cable. Tree topologies allow for the expansion of an existing network, and enable schools to configure a network to meet their needs. Device at the highest point in the hierarchy controls the network. The brands using include Ethernet, Profitbus, ControlNet, LonWorks. Ring Topology ( 2.10) All devices are connected to one another in the shape of a closed loop, so that each device is connected directly to two other devices, one on either side of it. Same as bus network with both edges connect. The brands using include Token Ring, FDDI, Profitbus. Mesh Topology (Fig 2.11) Network topology which combines more than one basic topology such as bus, ring, or star. Good for redundancy. It will use lots of cable to connect every device with every device. Considerations in Topology Layout for automating building with vast amount of points require well-designed network segmentation, in order to achieve a good performance infrastructure. Well designed structured network by using repeaters, bridges or even better using routers to improve network reliability and simplify network troubleshooting. Some reasons why segmenting a network is important: Isolation of individual network segments in order to limit the propagation of a single fault to one segment and prevent this single fault from spreading out over the entire network. Different nodes demand different communication media and different network speeds but they all need to communicate with each other, which requires and interconnection between the different networking media. Increase the number of possible nodes in a single network and increase the number of possible nodes in a single network. Keep local traffic within one segment in order to avoid network traffic overload conditions which will make service like HVAC, lighting malfunction. BMS Configurations There are three types configurations using in BMS: 1. Conventional configuration Server workstations daisy chained with DDCs (usually using RS-485). Typical RS-485 Controller Level network ( 2.14) relatively low bandwidth (around 9600 bps). The limited nodes around 100, and the distance is lower than 1200m. Only for data transmission. Controller Level Network 2. Ethernet-Based configuration Use Ethernet as transmission media. Servers, Workstations and DDCs on the same Ethernet platform. Typical Ethernet-Based Network ( 2.15) with high bandwidth (typical 1Gbps backbone). Use IP Technology means open platform for various applications. Virtually no distance limitation. Always use for data, voice video systems. Ethernet-Based Network 3. Hybrid configuration ( 2.16) Non-hierarchy architecture with combination of different independent networks and interfaces. Various network topologies. Hybrid Configuration Networking Protocol Protocol ( 2.17) is a set of rules, which allows computer/controllers/devices to communicate from one to another. Proprietary Protocols developed by systems or computer manufacture to communicate to their OWN hardware and software over a recommended network. Open Protocols opening up protocols means disclosing procedures, structures, and codes and allowing other system developers to write interfaces and share data on their network. Acceptance of an open protocol depends on its quality, features, and services provided. 2.17 Protocol The OSI Seven Layer Model ( 2.18) Each layer has a defined set of functions. The model provides a useful common reference to communicate protocol. Most communication protocols including those used in our field today use either all or some of the seven layers of the OSI model. 1. Network-capable Applications produce DATA. 2. Each protocol layer adds a header to the data it receives from the layer above it. This is called encapsulation. Encapsulated data is transmitted in Protocol Data Units (PDUs). There are Presentation PDUs, Session PDUs, Transport PDUs etc. 3. PDUs are passed down through the stack of layers (called the stack for short) until they can be transmitted over the Physical layer. 4. Any layer on one machine speaks the same language as the same layer on any other machine, and therefore can communicate via the Physical layer. 5. Data passed upwards is unencapsulated before being passed farther up. 6. All information is passed down through all layers until it reaches the Physical layer. 7. The Physical layer chops up the PDUs and transmits the PDUs over the wire. The Physical layer provides the real physical connectivity between machines over which all communication occurs. 2.18 OSI Seven Layer Model The Physical layer provides for physical connectivity between networked devices. Transmission and receipt of data from the physical medium is managed at this layer. The Physical layer receives data from the Data Link Layer, and transmits it to the wire. The Physical layer controls frequency, amplitude, phase and modulation of the signal used for transmitting data, and performs demodulation and decoding upon receipt. Note that for two devices to communicate, they must be connected to the same type of physical medium (wiring). Ether to Ether, FDDI to FDDI etc. Two end stations using different protocols can only communicate through a multi-protocol bridge or a router. The physical layer is responsible for two jobs: 1. Communication with the Data link layer. 2. Transmission and receipt of data. The Datalink Layer is the second layer of the OSI model. The datalink layer performs various functions depending upon the hardware protocol used, but has four primary functions: 1. COMMUNICATION with the Network layer above. 2. SEGMENTATION of upper layer datagrams (also called packets) into frames in sizes that can be handled by the communications hardware. 3. BIT ORDERING. Organizing the pattern of data bits before transmission (packet formatting) 4. COMMUNICATION with the Physical layer below. This layer provides reliable transit of data across a physical link. The datalink layer is concerned with physical addressing, network topology, physical link management, error notification, ordered delivery of frames, and flow control. Network Layer establishes and terminates connections between the originator and recipient of information over the network. Assign unique addresses to each node on the network. The addresses identify the beginning and end of the data transmission packets. Outbound data is passed down from the Transport layer, is encapsulated in the Network layers protocol and then sent to the Datalink layer for segmentation and transmission. Inbound data is de-fragmented in the correct order, the IP headers are removed and then the assembled datagram is passed to the Transport layer. The Network layer is concerned with the following primary functions: 1. Communication with the Transport layer above. 2. Management of connectivity and routing between hosts or networks. 3. Communication with the Datalink layer below. Transport Layer maintain reliability on the network and enhances data integrity by delivering error-free data in the proper sequence. It may use a variety of techniques such as a Cyclic Redundancy Check, windowing and acknowledgements. If data is lost or damaged it is the Transport layers responsibility to recover from that error. Functions: 1. Communicate with the Session layer above. 2. Detect errors and lost data, retransmit data, reassemble datagrams into datastreams 3. Communicate with the Network layer below. The session layer tracks connections, also called sessions. For example: keep track of multiple file downloads requested by a particular FTP application, or multiple telnet connections from a single terminal client, or web page retrievals from a Web server. In the World of TCP/IP this is handled by application software addressing a connection to a remote machine and using a different local port number for each connection. The session performs the following functions: 1. Communication with the Presentation layer above. 2. Organize and manage one or more connections per application, between hosts. 3. Communication with the Transport layer below. The Presentation layer handles the conversion of data formats so that machines can present data created on other systems. For example: handle the conversion of data in JPG/JPEG format to Sun Raster format so that a Sun machine can display a JPG/JPEG image. The Presentation layer performs the following functions: 1. Communication with the Application layer above. 2. Translation of standard data formats to formats understood by the local machine. 3. Communication with the Session layer below. The application layer is the application in use by the user. For example: a web browser, an FTP, IRC, Telnet client other TCP/IP based application like the network version of Doom, Quake, or Unreal. The Application layer provides the user interface, and is responsible for displaying data and images to the user in a recognizable format. The application layers job is to organize and display data in a human compatible format, and to interface with the Presentation layer. Message Frame Format Fig 2.19 Message Frame Format Master-Slave Protocol (2.20) The control station is called master device. Only master device can control the communication. It may transmit messages without a remote request. No slave device can communicate directly with another slave device. 2.20 Master-Slave Protocol Peer-to-Peer Protocol (2.21) All workstations are loaded with the same peer-to-peer network operating system. Each workstation configured as service requester (client), service provide (server), or even BOTH. 2.21 Peer-to-Peer Protocol Client-Server Protocol (2.22) Client workstation are loaded with specialized client software. Server computers are loaded with specialized server software designed to be compatible with client software. 2.22 Client-Server Protocol The CSMA/CE Protocol is designed to provide fair access to the shared channel so that all stations get a chance to use the network. After every packet transmission all stations use the CSMA/CD protocol to determine which station gets to use the Ethernet channel next. CSMA/CD likes a dinner party in a dark room: Everyone around the table must listen for a period of quiet before speaking (Carrier Sense). Once a space occurs everyone has an equal chance to say something (Multiple Access). If two people start talking at the same instant they detect that fact, and quit speaking (Collision Detection). IEEE 802.3 standard covers CSMA/CD. Switched Ethernet nodes are connected to a switch using point-to-point connections, When a frame arrives at the switch, the control logic determines the transmit port. If the transmit port is busy, the received frame is stored in the queue which is a First-in First-out (FIFO) queue. The memory to store pending frames is obtained from a shared memory pool. In case the memory is full, the received frame is dropped. Networking Cables Copper wire pairs are the most basic of the data media. †¢ Two wire untwisted pair The insulated wire conductors run in parallel, often in a moulded, flat cable. Normally used over short distances or at low bit rates, due to problems with crosstalk and spurious noise pickup. Performance in multiple conductor cables is enhanced by dedicating every second cable as a ground (zero volt reference), and by the use of electrically banetworkced signals. 1. A single wire is used for the signal transmission/reception 2. A common reference level/point is existed between the transmitter and receiver 3. It is the simplest connection technique but it is sensitive to noise, interference, loss, and signal reflection 4. It is suitable for short distance and low data rate application (Normally less than 200Kb-meter/s) †¢ Twisted Pair The insulated conductors are twisted together, leading to better electrical performance and significantly higher bit rates than untwisted pairs. UTP is unshielded, like telephone cable, whilst STP is shielded and capable of higher bit rates. Systems using banetworkced signals obtain the highest bit rates. 1. Twisting or wrapping the two wires around each other reduces induction of outside interference 2. 1 to 5 twists per inch is quite typical †¢ Cheap and moderate bit rate applications 3. For a few km distance the bit rate can be up to 10Mb/s, and 100Mb/s can be achievable for short distance applications like 100m 2.23 Two wire untwisted pair and Twisted Pair Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP): †¢Composed of two of more pairs of wires twisted together †¢Not shielded †¢Signal protected by twisting of wires †¢Impedance of 100W †¢Recommended conductor size of 24 AWG 2.24 Unshielded Twisted Pair Cat5e: 100MHz ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1 Cat6: 250MHz Cat7: 600MHz Undercarpet: †¢Susceptibility to damage †¢Limited flexibility for MACs (move, add and change) †¢Distance limit of 10m †¢Avoid in high traffic areas, heavy furniture locations, cross undercarpet power on top at 90 degrees 2.25 Cat3, Cat5e and Cat6 Cable Screened Twisted-Pair (ScTP): †¢Characteristic impedance of 100 W †¢Four pair 22-24 AWG solid conductors †¢Mylar/aluminum sheath around all conductors †¢Drain wire that must be grounded 2.26 Screened Twisted-Pair Shielded Twisted Pair (STP): †¢Composed of two pairs of wires †¢Metal braid or sheathing that reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) †¢Must be grounded †¢Characteristic impedance of 150 W †¢Conductor size is 22 AWG †¢Electrical performance is better than UTP (300MHz bandwidth) †¢More expensive †¢Harder to handle thick and heavy 2.27 Shielded Twisted Pair Coaxial Cable (Coax): Composed of insulated center conductor with braided shied. It provides high degree of protection against EMI. †¢Because the electrical field associated with conduction is entirely carried inside the cable; problems with signal radiation are minimized very little energy escapes, even at high frequency. †¢There is little noise pick up from external sources. Thus, higher bit rates can be used over longer distances than with twisted pairs 2.28 Coaxial Cable Series 6 (Video): †¢Characteristic impedance of 75 ohms †¢Mylar/aluminum sheath over the dielectric †¢Braided shield over the mylar †¢18 AGW solid-center conductor 2.29 Series 6 Series 11U (Video): †¢Characteristic impedance of 75ohms †¢Mylar/aluminum sheath over the dielectric †¢Braided shield over the mylar †¢14 AWG solid-center conductor or 18 AWG stranded-center conductor 2.30 Series 11U Series 8: †¢50 ohms characteristic impedance †¢Multiple mylar/aluminum sheath over the dielectric †¢Multiple braided shield over the mylar †¢11 AWG solid-center conductor 2.31 Series 8 Series 58 A/U: †¢50 ohms characteristic impedance †¢Mylar/aluminum sheath over the dielectric †¢Braided shield over the mylar †¢20 AWG solid-center conductor 2.32 Series 58 A/U Fibre Optics: Higher bandwidth and much lower signal loss than copper conductors. It used in the backbone or in horizontal runs of huge control network. †¢The data is carried as pulses of light from a laser or high-power LED. †¢Optical fibre is non-electrical, hence is completely immune from electrical radiation and interference problems. It has the highest bit rate of all media. †¢The fibre consists of an inner glass filament, contained inside a glass cladding of lower refractive index, with an outer protective coating. In a step index fibre, there is a sudden transition in refractive index. A graded index fibre has a gradual transition from high to low index, and much higher performance. †¢Most common fibres are multimode, where the inner fibre is larger than the wavelength of the light signal, allowing multiple paths to exist, and some dispersion to limit the obtainable bit rate. In single mode fibres, the inner fibre is very thin, and extremely high bit rates (several Gbps) can be achieved over long distances. 2.33 Fibre Optics Multimode Fibre: Composed of a 50 or 62.5 micron core and 125 micron cladding. It commonly used in horizontal and intrabuilding backbones. It has distance limitation of 2000m. Often uses a light-emitting diode (LED) light source. †¢The center core is much larger and allows more light to enter the fiber †¢Since there are many paths that a light ray may follow as it propagates down the fiber, large time dispersion may occur which results in short distance applications or bandwidth reduction †¢Because of the large central core, it is easy to couple light into and out of the this type of fiber †¢It is inexpensive and simple to manufacture †¢Typical value: 62.5/125 Multi-Mode Graded Index †¢It is characterized by a center core that has non-uniform refractive index †¢The refractive index is maximum at the center and decreases gradually towards the outer edge †¢The performance is a compromise between single-mode step index fiber and multi-mode step index fiber 2.34 Multi-Mode Fibre Singlemode Fibre: It composed of a 6 or 9 micron core and 125 micron cladding (say8/125 or 9/125). It used for distances up to 3000m. It uses a laser light source. †¢Small core diameter so that there is essentially only one path that light may Take care,as it propagates down the fiber †¢ There is minimum time dispersion because all rays propagating down the fiber with the same delay time and results in wider bandwidth (i.e. high bit rate) †¢ Because of the small central core, it is difficult to couple light into and out of the this type of fiber †¢ It is expensive and difficult to manufacture †¢ Typical value: 9/125 2.35 Singlemode Fibre 2.36 LAN Media Technology Analysis Open System The definition of open system is that system implements sufficient open standards for interfaces and services. It is supporting formats to enable properly engineered components to be utilized across a wide range of systems and to interoperate with other components. And that system in which products and services can be mixed and matched from set of suppliers; and supports free exchange of information/data between different systems without inserting gateways or proprietary tools. Some benefits from Interoperability: †¢Devices can be shared among different subsystems. †¢Reduce cost, shorten installation time, and reduce complexity as parts are being reduced. †¢Devices in different subsystems can interact with each other; therefore, new breed of applications can be created easily. †¢Owners can choose the best-of-breed products from different manufacture. †¢Elimination of gateway dependency, especially during system upgrade. †¢Allow move-add-change relatively easy, hence lower life-cycle costs. The characteristics of open system are well defined, widely used, preferably nonproprietary interfaces/protocols; Use of standards which are developed/adopted by recognized standards bodies or the commercial market place; and definition of all aspects of system interfaces to facilitate new or additional systems capabilities for a wide range of applications. The different between proprietary protocols and open protocols; For Proprietary protocols, most manufactures have their own proprietary protocols within their systems, so no communication between Systems unless a gateway is deployed. For open protocols, it allows systems of different manufacturers to communicate. Systems communicate with each other. 2.1 BMS Open System Modbus: A high-level protocol for industrial networks developed in 1979 by Modicon (now Schneider Automation Inc.) for use with its PLCs. It is providing services at layer 7 of the OSI model. Modbus defines a request/response message structure for a client/server environment. It is the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. Several common types of Modbus: l Modbus RTU n A compact, binary representation of the data. l Modbus ASSII n Human readable more verbose. l Modbus/TCP n Very similar to Modbus RTU but is transmitted within TCP/IP data packets. 2.37 Modbus 2.2 BMS Open System ARCent: Attached Resource Computer NETwork (ARCnet) was founded by the Data point Corporation in late 1970s. ARCnet was one of the topologies used early on networking and is rarely used as the topology of choice in current LAN environments. ARCnet, however, still is a solid, functional and cost effective means of networking. Each device on an ARCnet network is assigned a node number. This number must be unique on each network and in the range of 1 to 255. ARCnet manages network access with a token passing bus mechanism. The token (permission to speak on the network) is passed from the lowest number node to higher number nodes in ascending order. Lower numbered addresses get the token before the higher numbered addresses. Network traffic is made more efficient by assigning sequential numbers to nodes using the same order in which they are cabled. Choosing random numbers can create a situation in which a node numbered 23 can be a whole building away from the next number, 46, but in the same ro om as numbers 112 and 142. The token has to travel in a haphazard manner that is less effective than if you numbered the three workstations in the same office sequentially, 46, 47, and 48, and the workstation in the other building 112. With this configuration, the packet stays within the office before venturing on to other stations. A maximum time limit of 31 microseconds is allotted for an ARCnet signal. This is also called a time-out setting. Signals on an ARCnet can travel up to 20,000 feet during the 31-microsecond default time-out period. You can sometimes extend the range of an ARCnet by increasing the time out value. However, 20,000 feet is the distance at which ARCnet signals begin to seriously degrade. Extending the network beyond that distance can result in unreliable or failed communication. Therefore, the time-out parameter and cabling distance recommendations should be increased only with great caution. An ARCnet network is used primarily with either coax or twisted pair cable. Most older ARCnet installations are coax and use RG-62 A/U type cable terminated with 93 Ohm terminators. Twisted pair (UTP) installations are newer and use stranded 24 or 26 gauge wire, or solid core 22, 24, or 26 gauge type cable terminated with 100-Ohm terminators. Many ARCnet networks use a mix of both coax and UTP cabling. UTP cable is simple to install and provides a reliable connection to the devices, whereas coax provides a means to span longer distances. Typical ARCnet installations are wired as a star. ARCnet can run off a linear bus topology using coax or twisted pair as long as the cards specifically support BUS. The most popular star-wired installations of ARCnet run off two types of hubs: 1. Passive hubs cannot amplify signals. Each hub has four connectors. Because of the characteristics of passive hubs, unused ports must be equipped with a terminator, a connector containing a resistor that matches the ARCnet cabling characteristics. A port on a passive hub can only connect to an active device (an active hub or an ARCnet device). Passive hubs can never be connecte