Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Security - 7486 Words

United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report Office This note should be read in conjunction with the Regional/ National Human Development Report Toolkit. While the toolkit provides general guidance on preparing a Regional or National Human Development Report, this note gives specific suggestions on how to approach the concept of human security as a topic for such a report. Human Security A Thematic Guidance Note for Regional and National Human Development Report Teams BY OSCAR A. GÓMEZ AND DES GASPER Contents What is Human Security?............ 2 Getting Started...................................... 4 Selecting objectives and themes...... 4 The process.................................................... 6†¦show more content†¦National and regional HDRs aiming to address varying categories of threats and values can use the human security approach in analyzing the topic. Previous reports based on the human security approach have, for example, dealt with social exclusion, modernization and climate change; they have used examples where the State has been a threat; or explored possible future threats. Human security is a flexible approach and can be tailored to different contexts and topics, according to the specific context. No matter which topic is addressed, a guiding principle of the human security approach is that it requires understanding the particular threats experienced by particular groups of people, as well as the participation of those people in the analysis process. Threats to human security can exist at all levels of development. They can emerge slowly and silent ly or appear suddenly and dramatically. Central to the approach is the idea that people have ‘the right to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair†¦ with an equal opportunity to enjoy all their rights and fully develop their human potential.’3 3 UN General Assembly,Show MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Human Security1454 Words   |  6 PagesTraditionally, security is understood as national security. However, this notion proves to lack of a comprehensive understanding because the nature of conflicts is changing, and the state is no longer the sole object to be protected. Therefore, many scholars have suggested a new concept in terms of security, which is security for human. The concept of human security has been regarded as controversial since its introduction in the world politics. However, it is undeniable that the concept has beenRead MoreHuman Security And The Security Of A State962 Words   |  4 Pagescomes to the security of a state, more traditional perspectives place security of the state above the security of its people. A direct opposition would be a less traditional perspective that the state should protect its most valuable asset, the people. Before comparing human security topics and traditional security topics, b oth must be explained because incorporation of human security to traditional security values causes mass tension. In the most basic of definitions, human security is keeping theRead MoreHuman Security and National Security2199 Words   |  9 PagesHUMAN AND NATIONAL SECURITY: ENMESHING CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SECURITY PARADIGM IN EMERGING SECURITY DYNAMICS Introduction and Background In the realm of international relations and political science, there has been the recurring debate on the human versus national security. 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Research suggests that violent conflict is affected by climate change and this could become increasingly worse in the future. Barnett, J., Adger, W. (2007) suggest that climate change undermines human security by reducing the access to natural resources that sustain people’s way of life. Climate change also has the capacity to undermine states as well by cutting off the states ability to provide opportunities and servicesRead MoreEssay Worldwide Human Security1409 Words   |  6 PagesWorldwide Human Security Introduction Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the world has been searching for the next big threat to peace. With the United States arguably left alone as the only global Superpower, the threat of large scale warfare has diminished considerably. This has drawn attention to the smaller conflicts and hardships of the world. 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Senior management is often surprised to hear that the greatest vulnerability within an organization is not a misconfigured firewall or a virus being forwarded across an internal e-mail server, but rather a human being. When compared to a piece of hardware or software, a human user is easily the single most targeted weakness within an organization. Defining the Human Vulnerability Charles andRead MoreQuestions On Human Resource Security887 Words   |  4 Pagesand teleworking a) Mobile device policy b) Teleworking 1. Human resource security a) Prior to employment [Describe here the pre-employment screening process]. [Describe here any information security related responsibilities or obligations contained in the terms and conditions of employment. It may be possible to simply say words to the effect of â€Å"refer to our HR Manual†.]. b) During employment We raise information security awareness through training, including induction training at the commencement

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